Recent Invited Trainings, Presentations, and Workshops
Lytle, N. E., Barocca, C., & Dickinson, J. J. (2023, March). Recommendations for interviewing caregivers and
corroborating witnesses. The 39th International Symposium on Child Abuse, National Children’s Advocacy
Center, Huntsville, Alabama.
Dickinson, J. J. (2023, March). The 5th Edition of the Michigan Forensic Interviewing Protocol Edition. The 39th
International Symposium on Child Abuse, National Children’s Advocacy Center, Huntsville, Alabama.
Dickinson, J. J., & Lytle, N E. (2023, March). Do we need trauma informed forensic interviewing for children?
(Spoiler: You’re probably already doing it). The 39th International Symposium on Child Abuse, National
Children’s Advocacy Center, Huntsville, Alabama.
Dickinson, J. J., & Brown, S. J. (2022, June 27). Talking to kids at the medical exam and elsewhere: What can we
learn from interviewing best practices? [Training workshop]. Children’s Advocacy Centers of Michigan 12th
Annual Child Advocacy Conference, Grand Rapids Michigan.
Dickinson, J. J., & Lytle, N. E. (2022, June 27). Do we need “trauma informed” forensic interviewing for children?
(Hint: You’re already doing it). Children’s Advocacy Centers of Michigan 12th Annual Child Advocacy
Conference, Grand Rapids Michigan.
Lytle, N. E. & Dickinson, J. J. (2022, June 27). Revisiting children’s use of self-representations: A review of
developmental science and implications for forensic interviewing. Children’s Advocacy Centers of Michigan 12th
Annual Child Advocacy Conference, Grand Rapids Michigan.
Lytle, N. E. & Dickinson, J. J. (2022, June 27). How children talk about events: Implications for forensic
interviewers. Children’s Advocacy Centers of Michigan 12th Annual Child Advocacy Conference, Grand Rapids
Dickinson, J. J., & Lytle, N. E. (2022, June 23). Interviewing corroborating witnesses in child maltreatment
investigations [training workshop]. Child Sexual Abuse Investigation Continuum Training. Michigan State Court
Administrative Office, Child Welfare Services.
Dickinson, J. J., & Lytle, N. E., & Harrison, A. M. (2022, April 21). Strategies for enhancing victim-witness
testimony in sexual assault cold case investigations [Training workshop]. International Conference on Sexual
Assault, Domestic Violence, and Reimagining Justice, San Francisco, California (End Violence Against Women
Dickinson, J. J., & Lytle, N. E. (2022, March 8). Interviewing outcry witnesses in child maltreatment investigations
[Online training workshop]. Child Sexual Abuse Investigation Continuum Training. Michigan State Court
Administrative Office, Child Welfare Services.
Dickinson, J. J., & Wilson, K. (2022, January 25). Evaluating the reliability of children’s eyewitness testimony.
Harris County, Texas, Public Defender’s Office. [Online training workshop].
Poole, D.A., & Dickinson, J. J. (2022, December). The Michigan Forensic Interviewing Protocol: How the fifth
edition gives children—and interviewers—a voice. Michigan Governor’s Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect
Annual Summit, Detroit, Michigan.
Poole, D.A., & Dickinson, J. J. (2022, December). Emotions, Teens, and Time: The Myth-Busting Science All
Helping Professionals Should Know. Michigan Governor’s Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect Annual
Summit, Detroit, Michigan.
Lytle, N. E., & Dickinson, J. J. (2022, December). Understanding children's abilities to describe and identify
unknown assailants. Michigan Governor’s Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect Annual Summit, Detroit,
Lytle, N. E., & Dickinson, J. J. (2022, December). Do we need trauma informed forensic interviewing for children?
(Spoiler: You’re probably already doing it). Michigan Governor’s Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect Annual
Summit, Detroit, Michigan.
Toth, P. & Dickinson, J. J. (2021, December 16). What’s Trauma Got to Do With It? (Are Best Practices in Child
Forensic Interviewing “Trauma-Informed?”). Workshop presented at the American Professional Society on the
Abuse of Children, Advanced Practice and Training Institute, Brooklyn, New York.
Dickinson, J. J. (2021, November 17). Children’s testimony. International Seminar on Family Law and Evidence.
Center for Constitutional Studies, Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (Mexico; Suprema Corte de Justicia de
la Nación [Online presentation].
Dickinson, J. J. (2021, November 16). The emerging practice of tele-forensic interviewing: Implications for
children’s testimony. University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Sciences, Law and Mental Health Lecture Series [Online presentation].
Dickinson, J. J. (2021, August 31). Potential Sources of Error in Children's Testimony. Workshop presented at the
Michigan Child Advocacy Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Dickinson, J. J. (2021, August 31). Children's Eyewitness Identification Accuracy and Physical Descriptions of
Others. Workshop presented at the Michigan Child Advocacy Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
​​​Barocca, C., & Dickinson, J. J. (2021, July 13). Tele-forensic interviewing: Emerging research, policy, and practice.
[Online training presentation]. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children's 28th Colloquium.
Dickinson, J. J., & Lytle, N. E. (2021, February 11). How children talk about events: Implications for eliciting and
analyzing eyewitness reports. [Online training presentation]. Michigan Governor’s Task Force on Child Abuse
and Neglect Annual Summit.
Barocca, C., Lytle, N. E., & Dickinson, J.J. (2020, November 13). Tele-fi practice & protocol development webinar
[Online Training Presentation]. Baltimore Child Abuse Center.
​​​Dickinson, J.J. (2020, Sept-Nov). Potential sources of error in children's testimony. New Jersey Child First Forensic
Interviewing Training Academy. (Multiple training presentations, Little Falls, New Jersey; New Brunswick New
Dickinson, (2020, October 13). Putting children's testimony in context. University of New Mexico School of
Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Law and Mental Health Lecture Series [Online
Harrison. A., Dickinson, J. J., Lytle, N. E., Barocca, C., & Parks, K. (2020, July-August). An overview and practical
training for the provisional tele-forensic interview guidelines. The State of Michigan Governor’s Task Force on
Child Abuse and Neglect & Department of Health and Human Services Online Training (Multiple online training
Dickinson, J. J. (2020, August, 14). What investigators should know in cases of alleged child maltreatment. Alaska
Public Defender Agency [Online training presentation].
Dickinson, J. J. (2020, August, 14). What attorneys should know in cases of alleged child maltreatment. Alaska
Public Defender Agency [Online training presentation].
​Dickinson, J. J. (2020, August, 29). How children talk about events: Implications for analyzing eyewitness reports.
Montana Children's Alliance [Online training presentation].
Dickinson, J.J., Lytle, N.L. & D'Urso, A.D. (2020, June). Investigative interviewing in cases of suspected human
trafficking. Texas Forensic Nurse Examiners Association and the Harris County District Attorney's Office.
(Multiple online training presentations).
Dickinson, J. J., Poole. D.A., (2020, May 28). The Intersection of Technology and Forensic Interviewing. [Podcast].
One in Ten Podcast, hosted by the National Children's Alliance. https://www.stitcher.com/show/one-in-
Lick, S., Dickinson, J. J., Lytle, N.E., & Fried, C. (2020, May 18-20) Overview of the New Jersey Tele-Forensic
Interview Guidelines. New Jersey Child First Forensic Interviewing Academy, New Jersey Children's Alliance.
(Multiple online trainings).
Dickinson, J. (Presenter). (2020, April 28). Tele-Forensic Interviewing Webinar: Research, Practice, and NCA
guidance [Webinar]. National Children’s Alliance. Retrieved from https://learn.nationalchildrensalliance.org/telefi
​Barocca, C., Lytle, N. E., & Dickinson, J.J. (2020, April 16). Tele-fi practice & protocol development webinar
[Online Training Presentation]. Baltimore Child Abuse Center.
Dickinson, J. J. & Lytle, N. E. 2020, March 23-26) Strategies for improving the reliability of hearsay evidence in
child abuse investigations. [Training presentation]. National Children’s Advocacy Center’s 36th International
Symposium on Child Abuse. Huntsville, Alabama. (Symposium canceled).
Lytle, N. E. & Dickinson, J. J. (2020, March 23-26). Potential sources of error in children's testimony. [Training
presentation]. National Children’s Advocacy Center’s 36th International Symposium on Child Abuse. Huntsville,
Alabama. (Symposium canceled).
Dickinson, J.J., & Poole, D. E. (2020, March 23-26). How children talk about events: Implications for analyzing
eyewitness reports [Training Presentation]. National Children’s Advocacy Center’s 36th International Symposium
on Child Abuse. Huntsville, Alabama.(Symposium canceled).
​Dickinson, J. J. & Lytle, N. E. (2020, March 5). The accuracy of children’s eyewitness identification and physical
descriptions of others. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Child and Adolescent Forensic Interviewer Peer Review
[Online training presentation].
Dickinson, J. J. (2020, May 21). How children talk about events: Implications for analyzing eyewitness reports
[Online Presentation]. The Child Abuse Training and Technical Assistance Centers, Center for Innovation and
Resources, Inc.
Dickinson, J.J., Lytle, N.L. & D'Urso, A.D. (2020, January 7-8, 14-15). Investigative interviewing in cases of
supected clergy abuse. New Jersey Office of the Attorney General, Clergy Abuse Task Force.(Multiple training
presentations, Montclair, New Jersey; Westampton, New Jersey).
Dickinson, J. J. (2020, January 25-31). The accuracy of children’s eyewitness identification & physical descriptions
of others. [Training presentation]. 35th Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family
Maltreatment. San Diego, California.
Dickinson, J. J. (2020, January, 25-31). How children talk about events: Implications for analyzing eyewitness
reports [Presentation]. 35th Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment. San
Diego, California.
Dickinson, J. J. (2019, September 24-26). Sources of error in children’s testimony [Presentation]. The 25th Annual
Reflections Symposium on Child Abuse and Neglect, Children’s Advocacy Centers of North Carolina. Lake
Junaluska, North Carolina.
Dickinson, J. J. (2019, September 24-26). The accuracy of children’s eyewitness identification and physical
description of others. [Training presentation]. 25th Annual Reflections Symposium on Child Abuse and Neglect,
Children’s Advocacy Centers of North Carolina. Lake Junaluska, North Carolina.
Cordisco Steele, L., Dickinson, J. J., Lytle, N. E., Stewart, H, & Poole, D. A. (2019, March 19-22). Forensic
interviewers and researchers talk with each other and with you. [Workshop]. National Children’s Advocacy
Center’s 35th International Symposium on Child Abuse. Huntsville, Alabama.
Lytle, N. E., & Dickinson, J. J. (2019, March 19-22). Recent developments on the admissibility of testimony on child
sexual abuse accommodation syndrome [Presentation]. National Children’s Advocacy Center’s 35th International
Symposium on Child Abuse. Huntsville, Alabama.
Dickinson, J. J., & Poole, D. A. (2019, March 19-22). The accuracy of children’s eyewitness identification and
physical description of others. [Training presentation]. National Children’s Advocacy Center’s 35th International
Symposium on Child Abuse. Huntsville, Alabama.
Dickinson, J. J. , & Poole, D. A. (2019, March 19-22). How children talk about events: Implications for forensic
interviewers. [Training Presentation]. National Children’s Advocacy Center’s 35th International Symposium on
Child Abuse. Huntsville, Alabama